Personal Protective Equipment: Ensuring Employee Safety in the Workplace

The safety of the employees is of the utmost importance in any working environment that deals with hazardous substances such as chemicals, radiation, bacteria, viruses, dust, etc. An organization that is involved in such areas that pose a substantial danger to the health and safety of their employees must ensure that their employees wear the required and regulatory compliant PPE Personal Protective Equipment gear. Recently, when the world is threatened by COVID-19 pandemic, you might have heard in the news or read in the newspaper about medical professionals wearing these kits. This protective gear has several different components meant to protect different parts of the body. To keep you informed about how such protective equipment can help you stay safe, we have taken the liberty of listing each component and its benefits in this article. · Head Gear : This protective equipment has a headgear or covering made of synthetic fibres meant to protect your head from an injur...